11. Library
This is a list of books that surfaced as points of reference or sources of ideas. They were not read by everyone, and many contributers read nothing special.
Alexander D & P (eds) 'Handbook to the Bible' Lion Publishing (1973)
Anon 'The Bible: New International Version' Hodder & Staughton (1994)
Bronowski J 'William Blake and the Age of Revolution' Routledge & Kegan Paul (1972)
Dawood N J 'Translation of The Koran' Penguin (1990)
Guiness A E (ed) 'Mysteries of the Bible' Readers Digest Association (1988)
Hume B 'Footprints of the Northern Saints' Darton Longman & Todd (1996)
Kennedy L 'All in the Mind: A Farewell to God' Hodder & Stoughton (1999)
Knapp C 'The Old Testament: Studies in Teaching and Syllabus' Thomas Murby & Co (1926)
Lucie-Smith E 'Symbolist Art' Thames & Hudson (1972)
Rees R 'Just Six Numbers: the Deep Forces that Shape the Universe' Weidenfield & Nicholson (1999)
Sadgrove M 'A Picture of Faith' Kevin Mayhew (1995)
Smith H 'The Religions of Man' Harper Row (1958)
Spence B 'Phoenix at Coventry' Geoffrey Bles (1962)
Sutherland G 'Sutherland in Wales' Alistair McAlpine (1976)
Thomson Davies J B 'The Heart of the Bible' Allen & Unwin (1933)
Thuillier R 'Graham Sutherland: Inspirations' Lutterworth Press (1982)
Wheeler M (ed) 'Time & ?Tide: Ruskin and Science' Pilkington (1996)
Whitewell R 'The Apocalypse' H T Hamblin
Zarnecki G 'Romanesque' Herbert Press (1989)