3.5 Urbanism
The other phenomenon we should glance at is the evolution of urban life on the margins of the tropical forest in the region of the lower Niger—at first sight an unpromising environment, particularly in the absence of a maritime commercial scene comparable to that of the east coast. Yet the region is famous for some very fine bronze work dating to the centuries before the arrival of the Portuguese. At this time there was already a substantial kingdom in the region, that of Benin; and if we can judge by oral traditions and later political patterns, there were also smaller dynastic city- states, of which one of the few known to us archaeologically is Ife. Just why this area should have supported more complex societies than were found in comparable regions to the east or west is hard to say; it is tempting to compare these West African city- states with those of another people who lived on the margins of a tropical rainforest, the lowland Maya.